Stem Cell Medicine


Stem cell medicine, a rapidly advancing field in the realm of regenerative medicine, holds remarkable promise for revolutionizing healthcare. Their potential in regenerative medicine is truly awe-inspiring. The field is constantly evolving, driven by groundbreaking research and cutting-edge discoveries. At its core, it harnesses the unique properties of stem cells to treat a wide range of diseases and injuries. Stem cells possess the remarkable ability to self-renew and differentiate into various cell types, making them invaluable tools for tissue repair and regeneration. This versatility opens doors for innovative treatments that could fundamentally change the way we approach diseases like Parkinson's, [...]

Stem Cell Medicine2023-06-01T14:59:36+02:00

International Summer Schools in Germany


International Summer Schools in Germany Why participate in a summer school? Participating in a summer school offers a unique and intensive learning environment that provides numerous benefits to participants. Summer schools bring together individuals from different countries and cultural backgrounds, providing a rich opportunity for cross-cultural exchange and networking. They offer an ideal platform for individuals to deepen their academic knowledge and develop new skills in a short amount of time, while also gaining exposure to cutting-edge research and innovative ideas. The intensive nature of summer schools also enables participants to focus on specific subject areas and engage in [...]

International Summer Schools in Germany2023-04-06T10:50:33+02:00

Die zweite RUB Summer School “Industrie 4.0”


Eine Studentin erzählt: Die zweite RUB Summer School 2019 "Industrie 4.0" Vom 05.-16.08.2019 bekam ich erneut die Gelegenheit, eine 15 köpfige, studentische Gruppe aus China während ihrer Summer School 2019 ,,Industrie 4.0‘‘ bei uns in Bochum zu betreuen und zu zeigen, dass das Ruhrgebiet die Zeiten von Kohle und Stahl längst hinter sich gelassen hat. Als studentische Hilfskraft kommt man schnell mit den Studenten ins Gespräch, weil man selbst einer ist und man sich auf derselben Ebene begegnet. Für das erste Kennenlernen starteten wir die Woche mit einem Besuch im Botanischen Garten und einer kleinen Führung über unseren Campus, bevor die [...]

Die zweite RUB Summer School “Industrie 4.0”2020-05-14T13:47:35+02:00

Die erste RUB Summer School 2019


Currywurst & Stahl Den Strukturwandel in allen Facetten kennenlernen, das wollten 17 Studierende der Changan-Universität in China, die im Rahmen der RUB Summer School 2019 für zwei Wochen zu Gast an der Akademie der RUB waren. Neben Vorlesungen und Workshops zum Thema standen auch ein Besuch im BVB-Stadium, im Museum Unter Tage  und im Wissenschaftspark Gelsenkirchen auf dem Programm. Für ewig in Erinnerung bleiben wird ihnen sicherlich die Besichtigung des Stahlwerks von thyssenkrupp Steel Europe in Duisburg. Am heißesten Tag des Jahres freute sich die Gruppe über den gut klimatisierten Bus, der sie über das Betriebsgelände fuhr, nachdem sie erstaunt in die [...]

Die erste RUB Summer School 20192019-08-01T12:40:05+02:00

Ruhr University popular among International Students


International students - Ruhr University popular destination The 2018 International Student Barometer, published in March, shows a high satisfaction rate of international students with the Ruhr University. Most of them would recommend it to peers who are thinking of studying abroad. Why is the university popular among international students? The relatively low living expenses and apartment prices make Bochum a very attractive destination for our visitors. Located in the heart of Europe it makes the perfect starting point for adventures to cities like Amsterdam, London or Paris. Up-to-date facilities play a major role in the students’ satisfaction with RUB, like the [...]

Ruhr University popular among International Students2020-05-13T11:07:53+02:00
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